Selic, B., On the Semantic Foundations of Standard UML2.0, in Bernardo, M., and Corradini, F. ( eds.), Formal Methods for the Design of Real-Time Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 标准UML2.0语义基础,inBernardo,M.,andCorradini,F.(eds.),实时系统设计的规范方法,计算机科学讲稿vol。
It also lists all the design elements of a Notes database for example the forms and the views. 而且还列出了所有Notes数据库的设计元素,例如表单和视图。
By following these recommended best practices, you can design and implement a good Lotus Notes application from the globalization perspective. 通过遵循我们推荐的最佳实践,您将能够设计和实现符合全球化需求的、良好的LotusNotes应用程序。
This ability to design customizable applications using Lotus Notes led to a business partner community that designed Notes applications. 这种使用LotusNotes设计可定制应用程序的能力形成了一个设计Notes应用程序的业务伙伴社区。
And after detailed analysis of the system, System Design and Development notes, etc. 而后又详细介绍了系统的分析、系统的开发与设计说明等内容;
From Fission to Transmutation: Design Notes on the "Pan-urbanization" Condition 从裂变到蜕变&泛城市设计笔记
Design Notes: Reducing Opportunities for Error. 设计说明:减少错误的机会。
The general notes herein are for steel structure work of This Project, and foundation and reinforced concrete work see Concrete Structure Design Notes. 本说明为本工程钢构部分说明,基础及钢筋混凝土部分详见混凝土结构设计说明。
Regional Thinking& Poetic Design: Notes on Non-liner Organic Architecture 地域性思考整体性设计&非线性有机建筑笔记
We shall also discuss the sensors'ability and functions and provide real examples and design notes such that you can easily use our sensors in your applications. 之后,座谈还将给出设计实例,探讨在设计与实现应用时应考虑哪些功能及设计参数。
One problem was the design of the coins and notes. 一个问题就是硬币和纸币的图案。
This paper analyzes the characteristics of transmission lines in Dongguan and describes the specific steps of transmission lines design and notes, which is of great significance and is very necessary. 文章分析了东莞输电线路的特点,阐述了东莞市输电线路设计的具体步骤及注意事项,很有现实意义,又很具必要性。
This course on sustainable design features a set of lecture notes from the class, and the assignments presented during the semester. 这门永续设计课程的特色是一系列课堂讲稿,以及学期中所呈现的作业。
Electric Control System Design of Automatic Notes Plastic-sealing Packaging Machine 全自动纸币塑封包装机电控系统的设计
The article is a personal notes for Xuzhou Museum design, which notes down the architect's thinking mode and concrete operation technique in the design process and reveals an important role in architectural design the concept of "equation". 作为徐州博物馆建筑设计手记,记录了设计者在整个过程中的思维走向和具体操作手法,揭示了方程的概念在建筑设计中的重要作用。
Function · Space · Art& Design Notes of the Hangzhou Teenagers 'International Exchange Center 功能·空间·艺术&杭州市青少年国际交流中心
Application of Design Notes in Interior Design 设计笔记在室内设计中的运用
On this base, the general design of ODSS-CE based on groupware Notes is retouched. 在此基础上,阐述了基于群件Notes的ODSS-CE的总体设计,并详细地描述了该系统的具体实现。
At last, the EMC design notes analyzed; 最后,分析了系统电磁兼容性方面的设计要点,指出了一些特殊的抗干扰措施。
The Design of Raster Symbols and Notes Editing Software 栅格符号和注记编辑软件的设计
The Ancient Rhyme of Han Dynasty Remains in the Mountain& Design Notes of the Garden of Stone Inscription Art in Boshan 汉风古韵山中留&博山石刻艺术园创作札记
The Unfailing Italian Design System& Notes from Traveling Italy ( Part ⅳ) 久盛不衰的意大利设计体系&旅意札记(四)
The principle and typical application of single chip yaw rate gyroscope are introduced, then the design notes of yaw rate measure instrument are presented. 介绍了一种单片集成化偏航角速度陀螺仪的工作原理与典型应用,阐述了角速度测量仪的设计要点。
Dry bag collecting process flow and design are introduced, in which notes needing attention are pointed out. 介绍了干法滤袋除尘的工艺流程及工艺设计过程,指出了设计中应注意的问题。
Classification is made for interference and grounding design for DCS system, combining with project practice at site, measures for anti-interference are presented, design gist and notes for instrument grounding system are described relatively systematically. 对DCS系统的干扰和接地设计进行了分类,结合现场工程实践提出了抗干扰的措施,较系统地叙述了仪表接地系统的设计要领和注意事项。
It analyzes the design of software and hardware and notes applications of the simulator. 对此设备的硬件和软件设计方法进行分析,并介绍了它的主要用途。
Against the changes of furnace tube location and the task of the metal boat in and out, the text adopts the project which metal boat is delivered on platform of automatic walking mechanism and analyzes the design Notes about automatic walking mechanism. 针对炉管位置的变化和料舟的出入炉任务,采用了以自动行走机构作为运送料舟的工作平台的方案,并分析了自动行走机构的设计注意事项。
Finally, the researcher analyzed the collected communicative tasks design samples, the written notes and interview data. 最后结合文字记录、访谈记录对所收集的交际任务进行分析。